Da achy weariness dat you feel after extended periods of "pumping iron".
Cool dude, speaking comfortingly to his gloomily-slumped weight-lifting buddy who is feeling inadequate and guilty for "running out of steam" sooner than he thought he should while working out at the gym: "Don't knock yourself around too hard, Pal --- even da great 'Ahhnold' would get metal fatigue from bench-pressing for too long at a time."
by QuacksO July 24, 2019
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phrase used when you don't want to perform activities outside your realm of comfort.
Friend 1: Hey, let's go hiking this weekend.
Friend 2: Absolutely not, i am trying to avoid fatigue.
Guy: Netflix and chill?
Girl: Nope, trying to avoid fatigue.
by x4vr March 29, 2018
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The fatigue a trans or nonbinary person feels after having to defend or explain their personhood and identity to a cis (cisgender) person.
Person A: Isn’t that the sixth time your supervisor has misgendered you?
Person B: Yeah, and it’s the sixth time today I’ve had to correct her on my pronouns; I feel like she’s never going to get them right. I have so much cis fatigue right now.
by hobbiting_around August 10, 2021
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Dickman Fatigue


1. 1. A syndrome resulting in extreme tiredness or frustration when mental or emotional attention is given to a dickman. Symptoms may include frustration, anger, spontaneous eye rolls, uncontrollable middle finger flipping, nausea, loss of appetite, strong desire to engage in substance abuse.

“ Similar:
tiredness *caused by “dickman” exposure
weariness *caused by “dickman” exposure
exhaustion *caused by “dickman” exposure
lethargy *caused by “dickman” exposure
joyfulness *possible when avoiding “dickman” meetings
happiness *possible when avoiding “dickman” meetings
“That meeting gave me dickman fatigue, I definitely need a drink...or 10.
by LannieLifeCoach November 2, 2021
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With regards to the military:

1) Menial duties, especially as punishment.
2) Military clothing worn when doing said menial tasks.
When we saw that our housemaids came all dressed up in military uniforms, we finally realized why they did business as "The Fatigues"
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An extreme post exercise tiredness encountered by obese, fat bastards.
Big Dan looked fucked earlier, didn't he?

Yeah, he'd been the gym.

Oh, bit of the auld fatigue, in't eet.
by Bayesoir October 31, 2020
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What you get from watching da infamous "departed-'n'-farted" movie too many times.
I never cared much for dat stupid-a**-debauched "left wif da breeze" film anyway, so I should never have any prob wif rhettina fatigue.
by QuacksO November 9, 2023
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