Similar to a "Cow Catcher"; A Crowd Catcher is a metal frame at the front of a vehicle for pushing aside uninformed protesters.
Nick got a new crowd catcher put on his truck, so he's able to make it through Atlanta now.
by NotA RealPerson July 9, 2016
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A crowd pleaser is a guy who pleases all the women around him by eating her pussy and sucking their clits.
Jane: hey I was with the crowd pleaser Joe last night, he be up on everyone’s pussy all the time and eating us all out

Becca: girl ima have to get me some of that and try his mouth on my pussy
by Gordon is here hahahahha August 14, 2023
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When a group of people gathers in a large crowd to look at a baby
When Trinny brought her son Henry to the concert, there was a massive baby crowd.
by Trinnamn March 30, 2017
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James Alex Fields Jr., or another white terrorist / extremist. Used by complicit media in a phrase when they at all cost want to avoid stating that a white rasist dude or a nazi is responsible for a terrorist attack using a vehicle.
Car Hits Crowd After White Nationalist Rally in Charlottesville Ends in Violence (The New York Times)
by WhiteDudeFromPoland August 14, 2017
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A TV show that aired on E!. It was basically a show about two guys who own a fashion business. One is always angry, and the other comes off as a very eccentric person. Produced by Kim Kardashian, and got cancelled less than two months after premiere, good job Kim, you really outdid yourself you Kartrashian. Starring Jonathan Cheban, Simon Huck, Katie Mox, Lauren Stoner, Erika Ledesma, Summer Hill.
Patrick: So I was watching the Spin Crowd yesterday.

Maddie: Hey! My cousin was on that!

Patrick: Cool!

Jason: I watched REM perform! It was horrible!

Both: Shut up Jason!
by FITZY!!! January 13, 2012
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Phrase that identifies a company as a type of investment Scam aka Ponzi Scheme

Can also be referred to as Multi Level Marketing or Pyramid Scheme
Friend: Bro did you hear about this new investment company called Crowd1 its a Crowd Marketing Company
Me: Dude, get your money out! that is a Ponzi Scheme like Bitconnect
by MaxZeeMus May 24, 2021
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When someone makes something incredibly unfunny
Person 1: omg heres my beautiful singing!!!! LAKSJDJSKWLAAALALALALALA 👹

Comment: AND THE CROWD GOES HOME🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️
by RayIsDum September 8, 2023
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