To have a conversation with sombody and then throw up half way through and then continue with the conversation.
Peter was petering whilst telling me a story about a man named jesus
by inverted_guy January 20, 2006
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When one orders food at a restaurant, eats anywhere from 75-99% of it, and proceeds to explain to the waiter/waitress that the food isn't correctly cooked, wasn't the correct order, etc... In hopes of replacing said order with a new one.
*ate 3/4 pancakes*

Kid: "Excuse me sir these pancakes are not cooked correctly, may I have a plate of chicken fingers"

Waiter: "this kids gotta be petering me"
by Morning_wood August 19, 2013
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Haydee: I can't believe you are so peterous Matt.
Mateusz: My bad. I'll change
by agata December 23, 2003
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(verb) to peter is the act of feeling up ones girlfriend in front of all your friends in a relatives house
OMG i cant believe he just did a peter on her
by link from zelda September 7, 2009
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1. When someone cuts you off when you are speaking because you are taking too long to say something.
2. Being told to get to the point because you are speaking too slow.
3. Verbose speaking leads to being hurried up.
Hank was petered during his presentation because it took him 15 minutes to finish a sentence.
by Leena May 5, 2005
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Hey, see that queer over there? He totally sucks peter
by Ieatpussyman February 14, 2009
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