When a friend on facebook wants to talk to you Via Status by tagging you in a status, a variant of wall-posting, most people find this kind to be very annoying and almost immediately untag themselves. Normally the post will be in what kids call "text talk" meaning it may go like this "AYYYY @JOHN WALL B SP3N1N THE N1GHT NIQQA!" It may even get worse, because we all know the black population forgot how to type English.
@Genericname, y dont u spend tha nite 2day? as' ur rents if can

*untags*, chats friend *no, I don't want to, because I have something to do in the morning, if you need to talk to me, chat me."

lol ok durr mang

this is a Tag/ Spam post
by sickoftexttalk May 14, 2011
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Another way of calling someone conceited, snobby or uppity. Describes someone who believes they are better than someone else. There's a verse from Black Moon's "Who Got Da Props" that uses the term:

"See I paid my dues, now you can't tell me nothing
This is dedicated to the ones who kept fronting
The ones who tried to diss and post high? Oh no
Just 'cause you had low, see now I got dough
Abbott: Hey, look at my new Mercedes. Sure beats that hooptie you drive around in.
Costello: Oh, so you tryin' to post high, like you all that? We both know yo' ass is on food stamps!
by not for nothing August 28, 2018
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A bullshit marketing term used by Apple to promote their iOS devices claiming the age of the personal computer is coming to an end.
The post-pc age is a load of marking bull, I typed this up on a PC.
by cyclist1 February 16, 2018
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The place where TTH wanks to Cobra's post's. Also the place where TTH rules mankind... :-D

0Mg LiEk...WaNgStErb8'd
by Paulo Serrano October 11, 2004
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DRIGGS' and Cobra's Sexy House of Delicious Titay Fooking Whores.
Let's all titay fook L-5!
by Richard Nixon October 10, 2004
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A state of melancholy following the ending of an engaging story.

The great show you watched came to a finale, you finished a thrilling game or read the last chapter of a good book and now you feel sad, empty, you're processing what happened - that's post-ending depression.
Johnny: What's up, you look kinda sad.
Jackie: Oh, it's nothing. Just post-ending depression.

Johnny: What'd that be?
Jackie: I finished playing Cyberpunk 2077 and the ending hit me hard. I didn't expect █████ to die and when the credits theme started pla-
Johnny: You fucking dickwipe! Why'd you spoil it for me like that huh?
Jackie: What? I didn't think you wanted to play the game, you said it sucked!
Johnny: Your mom sucks! My dick! Every Tuesday!
Jackie: That's it! I'm gonna shut that dirty mouth of yours up!
*both start to kiss violently*
by Johnny Silverdick August 17, 2022
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When a female becomes overly romantic or secretive over her first sex partner.
"So how does it feel now that you've done it?"

"Oh no, I don't talk about our sex life. It's special, and only stays between him and I."

"Yup, you have Post-Virgin Syndrome."
by The Big V February 10, 2013
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