A sexual act where you ride a woman as hard and fast as she can go, while carrying a small sick child, until she is ruined. Once you dismount, you blow your load on her head like putting down a horse.
John: Mary isn't gonna make it to the party tonight... I did her True Grit Style at home and I left her on the bedroom floor all covered in goo.
by Poppa_Bear March 26, 2011
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an appropriate way of saying "you can kiss my ass" to your uncle.

also, from Scary Movie 2
by larryyfuckingstylinsonn September 3, 2017
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A new art genre created by Josh Powell.
Art depicting the human condition in real terms.
by Josh Powell May 21, 2004
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Made from grit (a piece of dirt ) means you were the sludge that remained and turned into pearl.
Made from grit; so yeah, another man's trash is another man's treasure.
by Eyemazin March 21, 2022
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When someone is stepping in someone else’s way figuratively. Expecting too much from someone else
I already let you borrow $100 and now want another $100? You over cooking my grits!
by Dvron May 14, 2021
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The imaginary box that must be checked every day if you want to stay gritty.
John: Look how good those cookies look, pass me one.
Liam: Check the grit box, don't eat the cookie.
by March 17, 2022
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