Something that powers lots of home supplies but can give you lead poisoning.
My lead battery is working in my fan but I feel sick
by SwagmastXD420 November 9, 2018
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the perpetuating of racial stereotypes, usually brought up by one pulling out the race card as an excuse
Kyle: Jay why are you always late
Jay: That's verbal battery, you are perpetuating black stereotypes
by jayslefttit February 12, 2018
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When your battery is low. Or you had open some Apps ,so they stole your battery.
Overreacted Mom: I called you 25 times why you didn't accept

Child: Sorry i was on Snapchat and played some Games so i had a sucked Battery.
by Honeymoon_C January 25, 2017
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A person or people who give energy, focus, good vibes, or life to another person’s goals and dreams; to put a battery in somebody’s back.
Artist: TJ put a battery in my back on this one!
Producer: Aye homes a real battery pack.
by BPMillionaire June 23, 2021
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a girl who has a flat ass but a thicc ass
Amanda has a battery pack lookin ass
by snhdhfbcjjejwen February 13, 2018
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Industrial Acid for the environment to be screwed as sh!t.
Battery Acid is the next bleach and tie pods challenge.
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