The act of taking a nut connected to a bolt, putting it in your butt hole and then taking a wrench and twisting the nut around while the bolt is deep inside. This can be done on oneself, or two people can partake in the activity with one twisting the nut and the other enjoying it.
Me and my girlfriend tried the Urban Plumber for the first time last night, it was going great until she said it was my turn. So I pulled the bolt out of my ass and she put it in hers.
by PullUpSkr March 19, 2016
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A very small limp penis (chode) often inserted into the exposed ass of a plumber.
he had such a plumber crack i could have gone Willis Plumber on that ass!
by T-Bone Steak March 30, 2007
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This is a sex act is performed when your mouth and lips are placed upon your male partner's anus and you blow into their anus while wrapping your arm around the other side and tapping your fingers upon their erect penis like it is the valves of a trumpet. The desired effect is your partner will yell or scream making them the noise for the trumpet you have just played
Person 1:Yo bro you have some chocolate on your lips

Person 2: That's not chocolate I was just giving Tom a Plumber's Trumpet
by Juic3HD December 6, 2019
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they stank up and clog bathrooms causing floods at times because they are HOT FOR having SEX with PED0PHILES.

YOU can walk into a bathroom at STACKS of the record BIG BIRD and any of the COFFEE HOUSES as as well as other restaurants to witness the HORNY PLUMBERS CLUB being impotent with ENVY of those PED0PHILES that they feel can unplug their pipes.

Knowing full well of the procedures and motives of STEPHEN CRAIG PADDOCK it maybe clear that it may have taken some of the HORNY PLUMBERS CLUB to execute this you may say WAGER WAGGER perfection of LONE talent of aerospace accountant sexual music AWARENESS AND INTELLIGENCE.
When you're fucking a girl from behind in her pussy and insert your whole hand in her anus and start to jerk yourself off.
I was with a girl last night and she was a total freak so i gave her the Key Largo Plumber.
by Aby Mandy September 13, 2017
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Someone who regularly builds things on the internet. They connect the tubes to make shit happen.
"Hey nice hat! What does Internet Plumber mean anyway?"
"Oh, I build shit on the internet."
by geekforbrains January 6, 2023
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A plumber's crack usually all the way up they're back. Usually their name would be Sarah. Plumbs sewage and enjoys it.
Sarah has a plumber crack up her back
by Smrbitch1 February 19, 2017
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