An abbreviation of Definitely; a shortened way to express something without a doubt.
“We are def going to that party on Saturday! I already rsvp’d!”
by Jhudds07 September 4, 2021
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what someone types up on google to search for the definition of something
"autochthonous def"
by Intelligent_Ape March 16, 2019
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"The new Star Wars movie premieres Wednesday at midnight? I DEF need to get in line Sunday after lunch."

"I most def need to start yoga. I sound like the TinMan getting out of bed in the morning."
by HottieCumLaude April 25, 2015
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An abbreviated form of "definitely complimentary."

1.It can be used to affirm a questionable compliment between people

2. or it can be used to justify taking things for free.
1) "dude, your art is the shit"
"i hope thats a compliment"
"def comp"

2) "are these beers complimentary?"
"def comp boys, i dont see no sign that say otherwise"
by beenhere4yrs April 17, 2009
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