4 definitions by thebananaman

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by thebananaman March 3, 2023
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That guy we found in that discord server, made out of cheese. Pointless like biker rails.
Blake Lands. Tyler Cho. James Koch. My best friend Jim.
I just broke those rules and I bet you this will not be rejected
UD:We'll reject inside jokes and definitions naming non-celebrities.
Every single definition: No.
by thebananaman May 12, 2023
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The over-enjoyment and/or anticipation of eating a banana. Often occurs after eating.
may include, but not limited to:
weakening in the knees
swaying back and forth
saying random comments such as: HOLY FU JESUS!!!!! and NOTAFINGA!!!!!!!!
Phillip: look at that dude over there...
pancho:yeah .......hes having a bananagasm
guy having bananagasm: HOLY FU JESUS!!!!!!!
by thebananaman October 24, 2011
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To Tired To Do Anything Illness refers to when you wake up and you’re too tired to talk or do really anything, you’re also both hungry and extremely full at the same time. It ALWAYS wears off the next day
today i tried to start a convo but i had TTTDAI so i didn’t do it, now everyone thinks i’m just lazy
by thebananaman March 3, 2023
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