the Prophet of the Rad Harmony Faith; a Def-Radder that has had a Serious Injury due to a Drinking accident; a person that is Ultimately and Definitely Rad; the Raddest person that walks the planet; the Lame-Slayer of Slutty Utah;
"Boo became Ultimo-Def-Rad when he decided to Light a Shot that was in his Mouth on Fire. Causing him to Cough Fire all over him Self"
"The Slutty Martinez Brothers were considered Ultimo-Def-Rad after a Night of drinking resulted in a Broken Leg, and a Man-kini Fire Dance gone wrong."
"The Slutty Martinez Brothers were considered Ultimo-Def-Rad after a Night of drinking resulted in a Broken Leg, and a Man-kini Fire Dance gone wrong."
by Don_Mayhem January 27, 2010