18 definitions by Don_Mayhem


Your Favorite Female Buddy; an Amazing Female Friend; Your She-Partner in Crime; Your Wing Woman:

1. She is considered your #1 She-Buddy, Trusted as your Wing Woman.

2. A Girl that is a Buddy, and Likes chicks just as much as you do.

3. A Sassy Ohio Native that moved to Utah in the search of Lesbian Love!
"You show up home to find 2 Women in your Bed, all you can think is my buddy Bro-dette must have left me some gifts."

"Bro-dette is the Master of the Clam!"

"If Bro-dette was a Dinosaur, she would be named Lick-a-Lot-ta-Puss."

"Bro-dette is the Light in my Darkness."

"You Sex Chicks, Bro-dette Bangs Chicks."
by Don_Mayhem January 23, 2010
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1. A beautiful person is very attractive to look at; a sexy male that females lust to sex; is thought to be very active sexually and good at satisfying his partner's sexual desires; a male dedicated to the faith of Rad Harmony; someone that will never be a NuglyFucker; a Rad Mother Fucker;

2. A Straight Sex Only, Male ProstaDUDE!
"Ryan is a Beautiful Example of He-Candy"
by Don_Mayhem January 26, 2010
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a Buddy that is being a Jerk Face; a group of pals that question your Rad; A phrase used to address your friends that are currently being Lame; Someone that knows about Rad Harmony but chooses to be Lame and Hate on a Fellow Def-Radder;
"You Mother Effin Semi-Sorta Groover, you need to get away from me! You are ruining my Gnarly Rad Harmony!"

"Let the Mother Effing Semi-Sorta Groover's Hate, I am gonna kick back and Celebrate!"
by Don_Mayhem January 27, 2010
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1. A Female that uses her cleavage as a weapon to get anything they want from a Man; Any Other-Gender that Trick's a Man; a woman that usually has a hidden agenda when it comes to your relationship;

2. A group of women that seem to go all Hater Mode on a women that just showed up being prettier than them.
"Women are Chicksters!"

"Those Chicksters over there looking money hungry."

"Dudes that go to the Bar get Chickster'd"
by Don_Mayhem January 26, 2010
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In Likeness

In Likeness is a blissful mind set of companionship without having to be with someone; that state of relaxation you feel after sex with a Random Person; Feeling Horny; the go to word in a Male whores vocabulary
"Oh, Man I am In Likeness with a Stripper again."

Hottie says "I think I am in Love with you"
Slutty Martinez says "That is Nice, but why ruin our In Likeness?"
by Don_Mayhem January 25, 2010
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1. A Man that doesn't care about Sexing Ugly Women; a Lonely Guy; a Desperate Guy:

2. The belief that procreating with Ugly's is better due to fact that Ugly Women have less Sex.
"Tim sure likes picking up Ugly Women, he is a NuglyFucker"

Jeff goes out with the boys one night and has a too much to drink. After great dreams of sexing a beautiful woman he wakes up next to an Ugly Woman and realizes he is a NuglyFucker.
by Don_Mayhem January 24, 2010
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the Prophet of the Rad Harmony Faith; a Def-Radder that has had a Serious Injury due to a Drinking accident; a person that is Ultimately and Definitely Rad; the Raddest person that walks the planet; the Lame-Slayer of Slutty Utah;
"Boo became Ultimo-Def-Rad when he decided to Light a Shot that was in his Mouth on Fire. Causing him to Cough Fire all over him Self"

"The Slutty Martinez Brothers were considered Ultimo-Def-Rad after a Night of drinking resulted in a Broken Leg, and a Man-kini Fire Dance gone wrong."
by Don_Mayhem January 27, 2010
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