A genre of music. Also a meme made of the song Old Town Road by Lil Nas X by stupid people on Tik Tok that have nothing better to do. Also know as yee-haw.
Dan:Hey man, I just had some yee-yee juice
Ryan: Really bro? You're spending too much time on Tik Tok
by Yeehawguy May 24, 2019
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Code people use to let other people know they fuck their cousin too
“Yee yee” says Tyler
“Oh me too” says Caleb
by Cj2018 February 26, 2019
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The city slicker version of saying yeehaw
You’ve just yee yeed your last haw cowboy
by Yaboygigi April 30, 2019
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a term used to describe country people.
bob: oh yea he is so yee yee
sam: i know he dips and wears cowboy boots
by phat cheiken April 26, 2017
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An asian / Oriental girl.

So named from the high-pitched sound they make when penetrated by anything larger than a pinky. "yee-yee-yee-yee-yee-yee-yee"
just watch a japanese porno sometime.
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Texan term for a Red Neck.
"Look at those yee yees over there!"
by Allebasi God February 11, 2019
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