A sexual act performed by 2 persons, one person is to lay on the ground with their knees near their head and their anus facing upwards towards the ceiling. The second person progresses to place their anus over person 1, in a scissor like affect. Then person one proceeds to rock their body backwards and forwards, making a rocking motion with their anus, during this process they are also defecating. The faeces from this action is being pressed between the two people, causing the faeces to spread between them, giving a rough "sandy" effect to the friction amongst the people.san
"Jeez that Sandy Rocking Chair yesterday sure made a mess"

"The Sandy Rocking Chair is my favorite after a long day"
by MuntedRandy August 14, 2016
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When a girl bends over and you repeatedly run at her with your cock
Omg George game me a Russian rocking chair last night and I can barely sit
by Goldenking134 March 15, 2018
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Southern backwoods term denoting a diminished mental capacity somewhere between mildly retarded and old age senile
Bo: Lester's back to rubbing his tallywacker on the cat's furry underbelly
Gator: Dang, ain't nothin' more than rocking chair goofy
by wch-meister July 19, 2017
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a state of being so busy yet being busy can't get you anywhere..

buying time,

unproductively busy,

on relationships - being boyfriend / girlfriend for 5 years and up
hey want to join us for coffee?

sorry can't come, i'm busy..

busy with what? your video games?

i just wonder when will u be off from your rocking chair mode?

How long have you been with your boyfriend now?

uhhmm.. long enough to be considered as a rocking chair mode
by lazy laila May 11, 2011
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to describe a jumpy, jittery emotion. sometimes it is written as "a long-tailed cat in a rocking chair factory"
I am nervous as a cat in a rocking chair factory.
by Joyce Chan May 28, 2006
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a canadian goose, covered in diaharea
Yesterday i saw a asshole ketchup toaster rocking chair flying by my house while i was taking a shit.
by Asshole muncher February 21, 2011
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