Short for Laurence. In other words, not your sister's or girlfriend's name.

Typically a big hearted Irishman (or Italian) who fills a room with his charismatic energy, has a gift for the gab and the tendency to say, "give us another one", most often meaning: a drink, a joke, a song or a kiss.

An affable man with great intellect, quick wit and the ability to laugh at himself.

The kindest man you could know.
Laurie, what a guy.

That Laurie on the other side of the room is five pints in and tells a pretty lame joke but man, he can sing, and his kisses are as smooth as scotch and honey.

Saw a brilliant Laurie at the comedy club the other night. Dude, he kept laughing his own ass off.

Laurie? Yeah, I know him. Totally dece.
by gracekelly2012 January 1, 2012
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A girl who has a fetish for dwarfish people
John: That girl is such a Lauris
Matt: Yeah I heard she had one last night
by John Ezzy November 27, 2010
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The most beautifull person from in and out. Girl,if u have an relationship with Lauris, u are the most luckiest girl in the world. Dont ever loose him.
by anonymouslyonbekend November 23, 2021
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A hot babe with lots of friend he sure wants to fuck you
Hey did you hear Laurie wants to fuck you?! (Katie) Yeah I did!
by SomeoneNukeSfitPlease September 18, 2020
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a woman who will at first be a best mate, but once bored will discard you like a used bit of toilet paper.
A complete flirt and has the tendency to be a bit of a slut.
Person 1-Here mate what’s up with you haven’t been out in ages?

Person 2-its been 5 weeks mate Laurie's moved on to the next poor bastard.

Person 1-oh no suppose you wont not be getting any more invites to go out then. Was good knowing you.

Person 2-yea mate same have a good life
by you.know.who!!! May 26, 2011
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Laury is a kind sensitive guy. At times he struggles to convey his emotions but you know deep down he wants to connect mentally with you. He is sensual and gentle with every woman he meets, lovable and sincere. Very mysterious personality does not let out too much. He is definatly the boyfriend type and the guy you want in your life. He can be cold at times but when you see him he warms you right up again.
"He is such a Laury so gentle"
by Jennifernewsome January 19, 2012
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A Laurie is one of the best people you could ever meat. They are shy and smart and don’t really like talking to people, however if you can make friends with one they will always remember you and sick up for you. A Laurie will always have a very high sex drive and a great penis to go along with it. A Laurie is normally a nerd and can be bullied so if you stand up for one he will always try to repay you, even if it doesn’t seem like it. If you ever date a Laurie never let him go and give him all the attention you can, if you loose him you will regret it for ever.
Milly: have you seen that guy? He’s so handsome.

Megan: I know right, he must be a Laurie.
by Jim_Pickens666 December 10, 2019
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