Lasses who walk around the 'toon' pushing their buggies and shoving a greggs pasty or sausage roll into their kids hands. They wear gold earings the size of bird swings and necklaces like skipping ropes.
by Anonymous November 2, 2003
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A charver is basically a very anti-social teenager, although the disease can spread from early childhood and continue until the time of the charver's death (usually around 25, due to the unhealthy lifestyle of a charver.)
They are obnoxious and attack the smart, confident, or different children in their class/ street. They are known to be the arch- enemies of emos or 'moshers' as they are sometimes known in Sunderland, North East of England.
Shannon: Let's turn around, there's loads of charvers at the fish shop
Nicola: no, it'll be ok, lets just keep going.
*charver kicks football off Shannon's head and laughs*
by Nicola Williamson April 17, 2007
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Charvers (also spelled charvas) are very stupid and self-centred people with their own accent and dialect. They are distinctivly annoying. They wear Berghauses (a brand of coat) and Rockports (shoes). They will stop at nothing to fight or insult anyone who they don't like (all non-charvs). They are like rabbits and multiply at the speed of light. They think they can get away with anything. Basically, only the tail of the sperm made it.

"Wey aye man!" - Well yes, person.

"Where y' gannin' like?" - Where are you going?

"Like hoo!" - Phrase usually placed at the end of every sentence for effect.
by Silly Bugger December 7, 2003
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Oversized rats, that wear burbery / striped clothing, mixed with cheap sports gear, think they're hard, travel in packs...

Best way to get rid of them is use their stupidity to ur advantage. Tell them theres a a pair of rockports on their back... they'll continuously spin in circles until they eventually realise there are none
how like man like how f****n how... ya daft c*nt
by BL September 2, 2004
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Thick, usually short lil shits that kick people in for no reason and live on council estates. Basically the scum of Britain
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charver= this is some one who believes that peak caps should be worn all year round they hate any one who are not there species (charv). if there was a time when gold was rare to cheapen it up all they need to do is tip a high charv (always the leader of the gang) up and watch the price of gold plumet,
you= thats quite good
charv= power to the max, max to the boy'o
by crw September 22, 2003
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Stupid Geordie uber-cunt. Characterised by shite clothes, ratty little pre-pubescent tash and incomprehensible language skills. Calls everyone radgee, drives a Nova GTE, Has the SHITTEST Nokia phone you have ever seen with a cheapo plastic Pink Panther cover on it. Alreet? Way aye man. Cunts.
Hyaaa man yaaar a proper radgee yee like. Ya daft cont.
by Ronson March 16, 2004
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