An orgasm induced while masurbating just to pass the time.
Joey: So what did you do last night?

Danny: Man, i was so bored. I stayed inside all day and had like 6 boregasms
by d-roc69 February 6, 2010
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Faking an orgasm to end a lovemaking session when you are bored with it or would rather be doing something else.
My girlfriend was bugging my for sex so I has a boregasm to get it over with so I could go back to watching the game.
by I. B. Wordy March 5, 2013
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The act of faking an orgasm to end really boring sex.
The sex was so bad, and I became so bored, that I finally just had to have a boregasm to get him off of me.
by Lucy Valentine March 30, 2015
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When you've waited a long time to masturbate, but when you finally finish, it doesn't feel nearly as good as you thought.
Guy 1: How did your first masturbation feel like after that long vacation with your parents?
Guy 2: Meh. I thought it would've felt good, but it was actually a boregasm.
Guy 1: Oh. That's too bad.
by #mexicanfood June 4, 2015
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A woman's summation of her split-second lovemaking with a man possessing no clue as to her anatomy, her appetites, her capacity for pleasure or how to provide it.
She had barely gotten started and he was done, she thought, staring at the ceiling. Another boregasmic sprint to see how fast he could roll over and fall asleep.
by Monkey's Dad March 9, 2020
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Where during sexual acts, you fake an orgasm because you are bored.
Lance: "It was like having sex with a grandma, so I pulled a boregasm, and got the hell out of there."

Tina: " He was making weird faces, so I boregasmed and said goodnight."
by NatBarColombus June 29, 2010
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Like a boregasm, but before the boredom actually sets in. As a boregasm happens during the course of boredom, a premature boregasm may occur while the teacher is announcing a new project, lecture of a boring topic, or paper. Associated are moans, sighs, and grunts of pain and/or suspected pain to come.
Man, I thought I would have a boregasm in class today, but it turned out alright.... until she assigned us a new essay.... premature boregasm right there on the spot....
by THEPARROTMASTER March 9, 2011
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