when you cath any fish or porpus liek creature from the ocean or lake and immediately fuck it to death
man i had a good yarp today with a catfish
by facefuck April 22, 2003
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like rubbish tv/movies with AI in them, from futurama
a: "whats on the tv?"

b: "just another yarp..."
by frank_the_tank12345 June 1, 2010
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Performing any sexual activity to a vagina while it is on it's menstruating cycle, AKA it's period. sexual intercourse, finger blast or eating out all apply
guy: "i wanna fuck!"
ugly whore: "i'm on my period, so you'll have to yarp me instead"
guy: "yarp yarp!"

guy: "i yarped the shit out of this broad last night, my fingers and cock are still covered in period blood. same with my teeth"

by turkeydick February 2, 2009
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yarp means yes and a lot of people use it who I go to college and I think it would be nice to puton this website
would you like a cup off tea yarp I would
by chaids12 December 1, 2016
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"yarp!"said peach "wat does that mean?" said strawberry
by mr. peach January 2, 2009
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A cross between a yawn and a burp. Often occurs when an individual is having a long, deep, drawn out yawn and accidentally swallows a quantity of air, then releases that air with a gentle burping noise at the end of the yawn.
Yaaaaaaaaaaawwwww- urp!

"You just yarped."
by Alex_K_NY July 27, 2009
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