A sexual procedure wherein a man inserts his index and/or middle finger(s) discretely into a woman's vagina while other people are in the room; all of which are completely oblivious to the sexual actions occuring across the room.
Man1: Did you hear about so-and-so and what's-her-face last Friday night?

Man2: No, what happened?

Man1: So-and-so totally 'vanced' her at that-one-guy's house!

Man2: No way!

Man1: Oh yeah, he totally 'vanced' her.
by Jack Beddingfield April 21, 2009
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A disformed human being, back problems,always saying “bruh”, still a virgin,runs funny,looks like a whole bird from rio
Vance, “Bruh
by TU NEGROO April 17, 2019
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one who is fucked in the head and obsessed with the thought of pussy.
That guy was obsessed with pussy, he's such a vance.
by Lindsey Lee April 25, 2006
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To accidentally excrete poo from one's anus into one's pants, generally due to copious amounts of alcohol consumption wherein all bowel control has been lost.
"Oh man... I got SO drunk the other night at this party, I Vanced everywhere... I had to remove my Vance pants and walk home in the nude".

"Hurry up in the bathroom dude!! I'm gonna Vance if you take any longer in there".
by TROGDOR THE BURNINATOR !!! March 26, 2013
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The act of taking vyvanse. A state in which someone is so cracked out that they may experience tunnel vision, extreme focus, sweaty palms, clammy extremities, heart attack, and/or death. This person will do nothing but work. The ultimate ADD medicine
I haven't been to class all semester; however, I am vancing so hard right now that I did all of my work. I'm so afraid... I can feel my heart pounding, and my limbs are cold.
by Sir Vance-a-Lot May 11, 2011
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A Cigarette that uses CBD instead of tobacco.
Hey can I get a hit of that Vance?
by gussybussy February 12, 2019
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