A phrase that can be used in place of the more common expression "Right up my street".

This expression has undertones of the word "creek" meaning arse, thus permitting to lower the tone of the conversation with most people not realising.
"I love that track" said Jenny over the loud music at Lyndsey's wedding

to which Dave shouted back "yeah, it's right up my creek"
by Vstress February 15, 2011
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Guy 1: I have 2 hours of homework in class A, 2 hours of homework in class B, and only have one hour.
Guy 2: well your up the creek without a pattle
by Mark Zuckerberg1 September 22, 2011
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In Australia it means that you're in a lot of trouble, with no foreseeable way out.
"Oh man, I can't believe I lost my paperwork; that stuff took me hours and it needs to be in by tomorrow!"
"Sounds like you're up shit creek without a paddle, mate."
by Lyrebleu November 2, 2013
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When one is caught in a precarious situation where the likelihood of it ending in something positive is virtually non-existent.
I can't believe I hit that car with my Mom's new car. I have been driving around aimlessly for the past 2 hours because as soon as she sees this dent, I'm up shit creek without a paddle.

wrong situation
by TheBigCanucklehead March 15, 2015
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A Scottish slang term meaning to be stuck in a bad situation without anyway of fixing it. The bad situation being 'shit creek' and the 'paddle' being the solution.
Germans: 'Oh nao, we haz lost WW1 and now have tons of debt and our country is facing hyperinflation!'

The Allies: 'Hahahaha, they're up shit creek without a paddle now! *slaps knee*'
by gregonfire November 22, 2010
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