In this sexually explicit act, the guilty party takes excessive amounts of anti-constipation medicine prior to being anally penetrated which consequently induces the projection of liquid excrement all over the genital area of the sodomite when penetration occurs.
Can you believe that guy responsible for censoring allowed Conan O'Brien to talk about the Tokyo Sandblaster on TV tonight?
by holyshiite November 10, 2010
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A term created by Conan O'Brian on his second show on TBS; most likely meaning a spray of seminal fluids into the face and/or eyes of a woman from Tokyo.
"How about the Tokyo Sandblaster?" - Conan O'Brian
by COCOfan4lyfe November 11, 2010
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The act of shrinking testicles in cold water then stroking the penis with an abrasive until ejaculation.
Carl was wary of the long term prospects for the relationship when his blind date offered to give him the old Tokyo Sandblaster.
by Bownz November 12, 2010
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Tokyo Sandblaster refers to the act of eating at an Asian buffet and later projectile diarrheaing onto your partner’s face or chest. This works best in conjunction with a helicopter dismount. The Tokyo Sandblaster can also be skillfully transitioned into a Cleveland Steamer.
I wonder if that old couple in the China Wok buffet line is preparing for a Tokyo Sandblaster.
by SFLTimmay November 10, 2010
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When having sex with a female from behind, as the male is about to ejaculate, he has the female turn around and then yells "GODZIRRAAA!!!" and throws sand in the female's face.
Bryan: "Did you hear that?"

Rusty: "No."

Bryan: "It sounded like Tom totally just gave Jess the Tokyo Sandblaster!"
by Martin Landau November 10, 2010
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An act of sex in which the two people have sex while watching Conan on TBS until orgasm. This is repeated every night that Conan is on.
Dude 1: Man, I Tokyo Sandblasted my girlfriend last night. It was awesome!
Dude 2:Awwwww Yeeeeeah!
Dude 1: Yeah, Conan made the most hilarious joke! Can't wait til' tonight.
Dude 2: The Tokyo Sandblaster is the best!
by Swimdan November 25, 2010
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