A small furry human who looks like a cross between a hobbit and an ewok. Known for its random outbursts of crazy incoherant babbling.
"my gawd you are acting like a Tizz today"
by Pesudo Neo December 14, 2004
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Something you understand or something you think is cool and basically another way of saying "alright"
by Felicia the gee January 10, 2021
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"Tizzed up" means "dressed up" or "improved in appearance".
It may be Australian slang, but Victor Hugo used it in Les Miserables, referring to the servant women having their hair tizzed up.
by Clivius October 21, 2017
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A small electric shock usually from a plug
Rory got ah tizz while pulling out his charger while Sarah and Dana laughed
by I.love.hoes June 23, 2019
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Tizzing is when you tickle either your dick or asshole.
Boy 1: Bro! Hurry up!
Boy 2: Sorry.. im just tizzing..
by gabherelol August 10, 2023
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