When you have sex with the space between someones face and shoulder causing them to crane their neck like Stephen Hawking. See bagpiping.
Dude my girlfriend and I have been dating for so long we've started doing crazy shit in bed like The Stephen Hawking.
by localpirate November 2, 2014
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Alex: did you hear the news about Stephen Hawking?

Harry: rip
by jayhrod26 March 15, 2018
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Stephen hawking is that one wheelchair guy. Oh and he's dead now
Yeah this fucker Stephen hawking. He was ok. But now he's dead. Oh well.
by Finnagen March 14, 2018
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The Stephen Hawking is when you having sex so good that when you cum, you make the Stephen Hawking Face.
Jim: Dude I banged this girl last night and she was so good I made The Stephen Hawking face.
by SupraSwampa January 4, 2017
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Wheelchair-bound uber-leet master of the cosmos.
Man Stephen Hawkings knows all about those black holes!
by Packman April 29, 2006
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When getting a sloppy hummer while having your prostate speedbagged by a tiny midget’s index finger..you bust a nut so hard you nearly faint, grunt loudly and uncontrollably shit the bed… all while your face and hands contort to resemble famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking.
“Bro..last night I swiped right on this sus skank and end up Stephen Hawking all over the back seat of her accessible Chrysler minivan
by Mick Hockiner October 20, 2022
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An uncommon, yet unfortunate result of a throw during beer pong where the ball will spin around the rim of the cup, then be ejected out of said cup. The physics of this action are puzzling, some thinking that the ball enters a black hole and then reappears, falling out of the cup. Who knows how it works, apart from Stephen? But it sucks majorly when you lose because each shot results in the swirl.
Craig: Yo, now watch this shot

*Throws ball*
*balls spins around inside of cup*
*Ball levitates and is ejected from of cup*

Chris: Oh damnn, you just got owned by the Stephen Hawking Swirl!
by Missing Waldo April 6, 2012
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