An unidentified substance. Usually sticky or crusty.
Lotion, any kind of food residue or a stain that no one knows what it is qualifies as spooge.
by carmelmochamegan December 28, 2009
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When someone offers you a handshake, but instead of returning it with a likewise handshake, you dig your hand deep down into your nut sack, wipe your hand with your nut juice, and quickly wipe it onto his face.
Dam! You just got spooged!

I can't believe I fell for that spooge!

Is that nut juice on your face from a spooge, or are you just happy to see me?
by Rhino Virus March 27, 2011
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semen, bodily fluid from a man's dick.
That guy spooged on my big tits. :)
by Stacy May 4, 2004
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My roommate left his spooge-covered t-shirt on the floor again
by kiwi_nd July 11, 2008
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After several minutes of sucking his dick, Kathy let Scott spooge in her mouth, and then she swallowed his spooge.
by Reppep Cod March 26, 2008
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Ah man, Ben Afleck spooge.

Dude, dont spooge in my room.
by Chris August 22, 2003
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v. To shoot the goo, blow your load, fire your wad, or cum on another's face.

Sometimes mistakenly confused with splurge
Damn! I done spooged a wicked facial on dat hoe.
by D'emon November 6, 2002
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