A man who likes women slightly but is 99% feminin
He has a girlfried but he still paints his nails
by bill hugby May 3, 2005
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to shit out of your vagina
My girlfriend qwerted while i was fingering her
by hophophop October 2, 2008
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One who is bad at dota and tft melee, giving the team he is playing for a severe disadvantage.

See nub, noob, flamer.
Did you see that nub get ownt by Puffs yesterday? What a qwert!
by PuffsPlus December 15, 2004
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Usually known as: a ''Bum'' or ''Party-Pooper'' or ''Jerk''
Usually not said in a nice way..
Qwert Witness: GOSH! Wade's being such a qwert!
Person 2: What's he doing?
Qwert Witness: He's just complaining about how his life is so boring. taking it out on me
Person 2: Sucks for you
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Someone moronic or clumsy; an ignorant person, jackass; someone who never learns; too stupid to know they did something wrong.
That qwert got hit by a bus in a schoolzone!
by BurnoutLS13 December 28, 2005
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noun, synonymous for hella fucking ballstothewall awesome
Dude, did you see Green Hornet yesterday?" "No, but I heard it was qwert
by Grritstiff January 16, 2011
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