A snack food that almost killed George Bush, whilst we spend millions of dollars to protect him.

a.k.a. The reason behind Operation Iraqi Freedom.
by Frederika November 13, 2004
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1. Snack food that can be in either hard or soft form, depending on what you like. Usually shaped in a knot, but can also be in rod form.

2. A secret weapon of Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations, although there have been no immediate fatalities yet.
1. I had a pretzel after lunch yesterday

2. George W. Bush almost choked on a pretzel while watching a football game.
by longislandguy August 9, 2005
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Man, You know you are an idiot when you crush them up and roll them into a joint and then smoke them to see what would happen.

Actual definiton: a food that is sold in malls, street corners, K-Mart, Wal*Mart, basically anywhere you go. Its doe that is rolled up into the shape of..whatever pretzels are shaped as and then it is fryed and raped with salt.
Clint: Dude, are you okay? you're eyes are watering.

Joe: Yeah, Its just this pretzel.

Clint:..Did she leave you agian?
by iwannabeanalcoholic March 5, 2005
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The pretzel was already released once in the United States. Its mission was to assassinate President George W. Bush. Unfortunately, the attempt failed.

It's a little embarrassing to admit that a snack food almost improved the world.
by RaVNzCRoFT April 2, 2007
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The Weapon of Mass Destruction that Dubya is so worried about.

The terrorists are going to plant them in convenient places so that we Americans eat and choke on them. That's what Bush did, right?
He choked on a pretzel. A -pretzel.-
by Calypsion September 27, 2005
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the act of being crazy, insane, out of your right mind.
Person #1: "I am pregnant with my brother in law's child, and in return, i gave him the herp."
Person#2: "Girl, you straightup pretzels!!!
by fktspd January 26, 2011
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