A beer pong formation where the cups are placed in a square formation approximately 8 inches apart. Typically used to embarrass your opponents in a situation of dominance. Originally titled for two reasons the creators wanted to bring change to the game and its just plain ridiculous.
Vince and Mitch are butt-fucking us raw, 10 cups to 4, and just asked for The Obama. We suck dick for coke and will most likely troll.
by The Wizard, VMFG February 8, 2010
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No matter what he says, no matter what he does, they'll worship the great Obama.
by plasmacobalt July 11, 2008
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To make change with your money. Break a twenty. Four quarters for a dollar.
"Hello, can you Obama this $20. bill? Thank you much!"
by phronyman July 2, 2015
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This is the only non-biased definition of Barack Obama on urbandictionary as of today.
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Sexual reference in which you tell your female partner you're going to pull out, but you CHANGE your mind after getting "into office"
My girlfriend just told me we have another kid on the way, because I pulled an Obama a couple weeks ago.
by The PropheTeeR April 2, 2010
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A corporate puppet. Who has been chosen by mainstream media to become the number 1 democratic candidate. People like him so much because they haven`t heard of Gravel, Kucinich or Paul
Stupid American: I`m like sooo voting for Obama because all my favorite celebrities are going to.

Intelligent American: Shut up
by seare March 24, 2008
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Referring to President Obama killing the fly in midair, "Yo, he obamaed that shit."

"You better shutup before I obama the shit out of you."
by Sexy Simon September 26, 2009
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