Truth serum.

Used for social, corporate or government intelligence gathering.
We suspected John was siphoning off contract fees and after a few jagermeisters he provided the nails for his own coffin.

After a few jagermeisters the nuclear physicist agreed to trade three magic beans for the eighty megaton weapon.
by brokenegg December 4, 2006
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A gobsmacking kraut liquer that tastes a little like sambuca, but with an herby taste. Some people swear it has a unique buzz, and I thought it did too when I first tried it...but then I remembered the spliff I smoked only moments earlier. Damn that short term memory!
You gotta love that label on the bottle with the deer buck and the's so....Jagermeister.
by bomb biscuit January 30, 2004
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Sweet Mother of Allah. This is tasty shit form across the pond. aparently over there its mixed with the blood of a freshly slain buck. Crazy German bastards. in the states it goes well with RedBull, a tasty treat.
Always enjoy jaermeister responsibly. :)
American: I love jagermeister.
Crazy German: I take a shot blood straight outta the deer's juggular and without swallowing take a shot of Jagermeister. The smell of blood gives me a hardon.
by mahmoud ahmadinejad June 21, 2007
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a.k.a. "liquid asshole" for its ability to turn ordinary people into giant pricks.
Dude, I wanted to kill John Kerry last night. He was being a bigger dick than usual thanks to the liquid asshole.
by Richard Munch December 2, 2004
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German liquor that tastes like black licorice flavored cough syrup. It's seriously cheap, nasty tasting stuff that will make your mouth taste like someone took a huge dump in it the morning after. I'm not sure who actually drinks it other than frat guys.
Mix a shot of Jager with a can of Red Bull to make a jagerbomb. The stimulant effects of the Red Bull delay the effects of the ethanol, allowing you to drink more and become extremely drunk without initially realizing it. It also helps mask the stank ass taste of the Jager.
by cmdrmonkey July 24, 2005
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