by xomblei October 19, 2007
A new form of matter created by GORMACK, the destroy of worlds. Stank matter is created after Gormack consumes matter. The stank originates from between Gormacks legs. Symptoms include, instant fatigue, fluid in lungs, priapism, massive thrombus in the brain, pulmonary embolisms, immediate sudden cardiac arrest, spontaneous combustion, hemorrhoids, kidney failure, acute liver failure, a weakened immune system, cataracts, death of loved ones, the apocalypse, hallucinations, schizophrenia, cancer of every organ and body part, death, fungal infections, racism, gay thoughts, suicidal thoughts, nicotine addiction, more than one boyfriend and even playing the french horn. Stank was first discovered after gormacks crusty underwear were shattered. Stank matter can be used in the Stankray
John- I believe it was the stank that killed her roommates.
Tyler- I went in there once.
Tyler- gave me instant fatigue.
Tyler- I went in there once.
Tyler- gave me instant fatigue.
by Lore master of Gormack February 16, 2020
by ihateautotune September 26, 2013
is a word used to call a boyfriend or girlfriend. he/she doesnt have to be ur gf or bf they can just be your little something something on the side.
thats my stank stank right there
by eochs February 6, 2008
by eepaeepaeepa January 31, 2021
by TMWLLAW February 13, 2010
A harsher degree of smelling. The word smell would be too subtle but the word reek would be too extravagant. A middle level of a bad stench, finding a medium of stench.
by peepeepoopooman:) July 12, 2020