When a woman farts, and it bubbles up the front of her vagina.
Kayla giggled as her fart became a flurp.
by dudubudr May 19, 2016
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Flurp is an expression of exasperation. It's more or less a universal swear word. It was originally used in an episode of "Bewitched" by a hippie warlock with the phrase, "flurpity flurp, man!"
I don't give a flurp!
Hey, that's one flurping nice monitor you have.
How in the flurp do I use this flurping thing?
by dufachi May 12, 2004
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When you fart and burp at the same time.
Dude, i just flurped so hard i need to check my pants and i threw up. flurping kind of hurts. that's so college brah.
by Skeet Thinking December 29, 2011
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Adj. When a wild whore flares her vagina and anus simultaneously, thus, making it appear as if they were having an anxiety attack. It sounds as if someone was attempting to pop a rubber ball.
Jessica was flurping for me last night, she's so talented that she can flurp, and rearrange baseballs in her anus.
by Ms. Nesbitt February 5, 2012
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when a girl farts and it travels forward and ruffles up through her pussy lips creating a tingly sensation.
by masternator February 6, 2016
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Modification of NYC DJ Frankie Bones' PLUR, Peace, Love, Unity, Respect into Fun, Love, Unity, Respect, Peace. This is a way of life that ravers attempt to live by.
by phizzling November 27, 2007
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(flerp) - Possibly the most vile and disgusting act known to man-kind but here it is. To flurp or to be involved in the act of flurping is when a homosexual man drinks his own semen from his partner's anus using a straw. Thank you M.G.
"Dang that guy is so hot I'd flurp him all night long. I may even use the Krazy Straw!"
by Mike Garcia May 16, 2006
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