The act of an individual with male genitalia reaching into his (or her) drawls to physically move his (or her) dick and ballsack around in an effort to optimize comfort—usually whilst sitting down, and often performed in public.
Seated at the picnic table across from Aunt Phoebe, I found that my thighs were squishing my junk and I was kind of sitting on top of my Schwetty balls, so I had to rearrange.
by Waarlowe January 7, 2021
"Alex rearranged Mrs. D's nipples yesterday in the janitor's closet," said Meagan to Jacob.
"Attention! Alex to the front office! Mrs. D needs assistance with some rearrangement."
"Attention! Alex to the front office! Mrs. D needs assistance with some rearrangement."
by The Jesus Room June 17, 2011
Having your guts rearranged means either that a guy’s dick is so large it hits the top of your cervix and mimics the pain in your guts, or when your having anal sex.
by Caleb Clulow April 27, 2018
by Muddybones August 14, 2018
When you fall your clock back in October, don't forget about the year fall rearrangement. Also don't forget about spring clean up when you spring your clock forward.
by Sexydimma June 3, 2015
by Junior's Girlfriend May 6, 2011
by C. Davis January 5, 2008