The whitest guitar player alive, a man who plays with ­the feel and emotion of
a wet dishwag.

'God' of ripping off black blues players.
Eric Clapton, 'God' of inadvertently ripping off black blues players without credit.
by st April 21, 2005
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One of the most one overrated guitar players of all time. Compared to Jimi Hendrix he's barely a guitar player. Don't get me wrong, I think Clapton is a great guitarist but I'm tired of my grandma telling me how amazing he is when I've listened to a lot of his stuff and have his records. Jimi Hendrix kicks his ass by far.
Eric Clapton is not "god" -_-
by Pleading The Fifth January 13, 2012
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A blue-meanie

Many people have a premise that Eric Clapton is God. That is wrong. To find out who is the real God see Roger Waters
by CatherineInRock January 8, 2004
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excessive drooling while giving a blow job.
Does anyone else Eric Clapton when giving oral?
by MUA Psycho October 14, 2012
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It’s Eric Clapton outside today.

A very hot day when the sun is said to be cracking the flag stones.
Eric Clapton’s son, Conor, fell from a 53rd floor apartment, effectively cracking the flags on the pavement below.
Bleeding hell, it’s Eric Clapton out there today.
by AliB0ngo June 21, 2022
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