13 definitions by CatherineInRock

Walking slowly stetching hands forward according to your steps (right foot - right hand, left foot - left hand)
Well, you know what I mean, don't ya?
Heeeeeeey! Let's do the i can't dance! It's sheer fun!
by CatherineInRock February 27, 2004
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Lead-singer of the greatest rock band appeared since the 80s. NOT camp although might appear so. Extremely talented, with a great voice, lovely outfits......and deliciously sweeeeeeeeeeet.....oh jesus....
I wanna kiss you every minute every hour everyday.....
by CatherineInRock January 8, 2004
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Music is Love

See also the beatles, pink floyd,roger waters genesis, queen, slade, the darkness
Without music, I'd have nothing to live for.
Thank you for the music.
by CatherineInRock February 27, 2004
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