Your best friend. The one you call for all your problems. The one you can tell anything and absolutely everything to. Your bestie? She's more than that. She's your sister. She's the only one who will tell you your fat, or ugly, or smell bad. She's the only one who will tell you your boyfriends a jackass. She'll beat the crap out of anyone hating on you and you'll do the same for her. She's more than just family. She's your fucking life.
Person 1: "Who is your best friend?"
PErson 2: "My cousin obviously...
by holllaaa;) June 19, 2011
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When your horrible cousins treat you UNEQUALLY
My cousins commited cousinism when I was not invited to the cousin party.
by Ninamaria November 25, 2018
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Imaginary badasses that black people refer to when they make empty threats.
by Nips711 April 7, 2009
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Invariably, everyone has at least one cousin who has been in juvenile hall, is a slut, or lives in the ghetto. Even if you are the richest person in the world.
Jack: yeah I live in Bel Air, but I have some cousins who rep hoover and live in COmpton.
by Angelacia June 25, 2007
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On an episode of COPS;
The person to which a stolen car,
a bag of weed, or
a crackpipe, belongs to.
No, I didnt steal the car, its my cousin's, and thats his bag of weed and crackpipe too.
by doncoz August 31, 2004
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me and my cousin went to her party.
by someone February 24, 2005
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1. A child of the brother or sister of a child's parents.
2. What neocons, members of European royal families, and rednecks call their spouses before getting married.
Well, when a family tree is reduced to a family bush, neocons, royal families, and rednecks are the result.
by jesster79 March 5, 2005
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