Chooki is one of Shinux's boyfriends. He is very strong, the strongest in Adelaide. He is a unit.
OMG, chooki is the strongest.
Im chooki and im a unit.
by Anonymous April 16, 2003
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Can be used to describe something either extremely lucky, non-skilful or extraordinarily out of character.
My Wife punched the stuffing out of another player (ice hockey), which was extremely out of character…such behaviour is known as Chooky Style. My wife (same wife) only ever seems to score goals using the bare minimum amount of skill…these goals are referred to as Chooky Style. My wife’s name is Chooky…
by chooky's bitch May 13, 2009
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1) Adjective - A distraction or website used instead of work to goof off or procrastinate something that needs to be done.
"You're not on another hooky chooky site, are you? Those reports need to be filed dammit!"
by Stollins May 13, 2015
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a delicate sauce used to add flavor to a sizzling eastern Japanese dish called sooky
i would pour some of that there chooky sauce all over that sooki and devour it like godzilla devoured many of the Chinese people.
by richard peters December 30, 2011
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Chookie Mookie - is an adj./ noun and it describes how adorable something is or someone. Its not just adorable, its like 100x adorable plus every cute word in the dictionary, put into one word, which is Chookie Mookie. Also, you can use Chookie as a shorter word, if you are speaking too fast and cant add the Mookie, it works both ways! You can also shorten the word even more and just use Chook! Like if your calling your Boyfriend/Girlfirend, instead of saying Hey baby? you could say Hey Chook,, or Chookie.
wow! you are the cutest Chookie Mookie ever!


aw you just bought me flowers!? i love you! youre the best Chookie Mookie ever!


youre being such a Chookie Mookie girl right now!


Hey Chook, could you pass the salt?


Hey Chookie, can you pass me the pepper?
by Princess Beautiful Barbie August 4, 2011
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