not only on boost mobile, like the morons down on here think, but with ANY nextel use the walkie talkie function
if anybody needs something u could jus CHIRP me
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Squealing the tires during a gear change. Mentions of this are extremely common in car and car-mod forums.

Past tense: chirped.

Chirping gears requires high-revving whilst doing the gear changes and can be done on all decent stock models (with manual transmissions) through first and second. Chirping third is reserved for sports cars, and chirping fourth is a rare occurrence. Note: this reduces the life of your clutch, but is a lot of fun.
I was chirping third at the track today!

Dude, I totally chirped fourth in my insert souped-up car today!!!
by Ben Linkewich March 29, 2008
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To ramble about something unnecessarily, irrelevantly or to fill conversation, which no one cares about.


A colloquial way of saying verbose — expressed in more words than necessary
Billy: Did you know Scott Morrison has the big gay?
Sam: That's all chirp.
Billy: What about how Malcolm Turnbull retired?
Sam: Stop chirping, no one cares.

Tom: We want the pig to have the wheat so he can grow big and strong like his parents and make us lots of big dollars from the pig slaughter place.
Julia: Chirp, chirp.
Julia: You mean, you want the pig to eat well so you can sell to the abattoir at a higher price.
by Zinnia Mona December 9, 2018
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When someone randomly insults someone completely unprovoked.
G1: *says to G3* "let's leave rn so the teacher doesn't see how bad this is."
G2: *turns around to face them* "um I think she already does."
G4: "ohhhh you just got chirped!"
by Margaric February 12, 2015
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to boast; to brag; to put others down and talk oneself up in an arrogant way.
by Cameron March 5, 2005
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When someone tries to be funny around a group of people and no one laughs. You can also get chirped even if you don't mean to be funny. This idea was taken from when comedians tell jokes and it is very silent so you hear the crickets chirping.
Sean: Dude! I just fucked 3 chicks yesterday....


Brett: Chirp, dude
by Manson55569 July 16, 2011
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English slang for someone you are flirting with over text or instant messaging.

Someone you are chirpsing with
Haley: Are you seeing anyone?
Emma: Got a few chirps
by abitigs July 16, 2015
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