noun the complete and utter state of being BAD ASS.
When is son was killed, Captain Artemis showed awesome Bad-assery.
by Jacob Shuttleworth November 6, 2007
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When a group of people are lazy, used to describe the whole area or situation.
The sham assery that goes on down in the demo pits is too much.
by AJizzy August 15, 2008
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A much classier way of calling someone an asshat aka a huge jerk.
Girl 1: oh my gosh that guy was being such a hat of assery.
Girl 2:...what?
Girl 1: please hun I'm a classy bitch and asshat is SO not classy.
by poltergeist-people June 25, 2014
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Actively behaving like, or possessing the qualities of, a jack ass.
Guy 1: So what did you do last night?
Guy 2: You know, got drunk, acted inappropriate, pissed in public...the usual jack assery.
by The Dutch Rudder February 26, 2009
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a factory that produces smart asses
Dave was created in a smart-assery.
by bobbbbbbbbed January 19, 2012
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The birthplace of a smartass. Commonly a factory or some type of mill. If you know a smartass, he's probably from a smart assery.
Smartass - "I know stuff about things and I'm gonna let everybody know about it"

Other people "I wonder what smart-assery he came from...."
by JCBDC January 19, 2012
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A subject in the bad ass collage most people major in bad assery
Guy1: Wow you are a bad ass
Chuck Norris: Yea i majored in bad assery (round house kicks guy1 in the face).
by ass bad March 12, 2009
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