bubbles (buyin from east side hoppers) - yeah uhh ill take a 1 and 1, here be $20
bodie - hey yo bubbles, why you buyin from east side niggas? ill give you the dope and coke for 15, and the ice for another 5
bubbles - aight yo
bodie - hey yo bubbles, why you buyin from east side niggas? ill give you the dope and coke for 15, and the ice for another 5
bubbles - aight yo
by Hawaiian Dicking December 21, 2009
Kid 1: Well, whats 1+1?
Kid 2: 4
Kid 1: No! its 2!
Kid 2: no you got to add the 0's!
Kid 1: oh, haha, you coming to my birthday?
Kid 2: 4
Kid 1: No! its 2!
Kid 2: no you got to add the 0's!
Kid 1: oh, haha, you coming to my birthday?
by Arwing9 October 18, 2006
short for: personal discussion. means: 1 human talks to another human about private things like job, money or anything else.
by checkbobby.com July 1, 2009
"1 of 1" means one part of one whole, which originates from the spiritual concept of non-duality or oneness.
"I am 1 of 1." - person A
"What I am?" - person B
"You are also 1 of 1. There is only one source; you are just one expression of it." - person A
"What I am?" - person B
"You are also 1 of 1. There is only one source; you are just one expression of it." - person A
by ivorymind December 15, 2020
1 + 1 is 11 obviously cuz 1 and 1 is 11. if you are a dumm person who thinks its 2, then you need to see a doctor
by yous3rname September 3, 2021
Used as a modern day "etc" or "and so on" in dialogue, generally used in memes to respresent a stereotypical individual of a group.
by locoloopsy February 10, 2017
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