the peter parker spiderman name in japanese dub "peta paka"
hey dude did u watch the new spiderman movie |
yeah i saw it with japanese dub "peta paka"
by Ratioguy8989 January 4, 2022
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A person on AIM that repeatedly says "hi" and ends the convo with "Don't ban me plz" before blocking you.
That idiot Peta Force keeps IM'ing me
by Yep September 5, 2004
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A militant off-shoot of the animal activist group, PETA.
Dr. Johnson was quite upset after the PETA Force broke into his lab and took Mr. Jingles the chimp as their hostage.
by Super Gerbil September 7, 2004
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An older man, who has interest in under age girls in an unhealthy illegal way. This man usually tends to be a douche bag to the underage girls he does not like.
1. Hail is still being stalked by that peta-douche.
2. JoJo is such a peta douche he came on to Wendy then wouldn't even buy her alcohol
by elfie November 20, 2003
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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

PETA does NOT pour red paint on some rich ladys fur coat! It dosent relese animals from the labs they are in. It dosent vandalize peoples property! PETA isnt trying to put McDoanalds out of busniess or KFC. PETA is trying to get them to use a more humane method of kill. PETA knows that not everybody is going to be vegan or vegetarian. They would hope that everyone would be but they know thats not going to happen. All of you people dont know what the hell your talkin about because you arent part of PETAs StreetTeam. All of you haters can go suck it!
People for the Ethical Treatment for Animals
by ImLosingIt July 19, 2011
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A member of the weak minded fascist revolutionary group Peta but the Peta-lites only love adorable and furry animals. They ruthlessly kill and maim millions of innocent insects everyday splattering them across the windshield of their Prius. While once a week washing away the gore with Earth friendly soap while the dry carcasses of ladybugs and honeybees float away into the drain. They dont care what the impact of losing these pollenators truly is, They only care about swerving to miss that cute little rabbit that just crossed the road.
"OMG she killed a Dragonfly with her bumper, She must be a Peta-lite, Only the cute creatures are safe from her car".
by TehSarge November 2, 2009
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the most loving couple in the world. They will never stop loving each other. There hearts beat in each others chests and they want to die together and be burried together.
hey did you see that couple?

they looked pretty close, not as much as "peta and foxx" though.

yea nothing compares to them two.
by scotty10101011001 November 8, 2009
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