Purposefully using words of affirmation to please someone, usually a romantic or sexual partner, but can be a close friend also.
It can be very effective if used for good purposes and not your own.
- I love how you communicate, it's so clear and concise, it makes it so easy to be with you.
- Oh thank you for saying that, you're too kind.
- It's not about being kind, I'm just words of affirmationing you the fuck up ;)
by daflutterbyeffect August 10, 2023
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are you really fuckity fucking fucks shitting me bitch shitty motherfucking mf?

i i it think amaore satwears woarsds in my secntence makes it mozre MAUTRE AND VERTY ADUTSUIHSODIFHUIHIU
Person 1: Are you fuckity fucking fucks kidding me you motherfucking shitty mf?

Person 2: ok 5 y/o
by whydoihavetodothisalloveragain February 17, 2022
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(Ikyfl) Its a saying that kinda means that what you just said is so crazy that it might as well be a lie
Him-Lol that was the girl that broke up with me
Friend- I know you fucking lying
by ifyou November 21, 2021
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don't you fucking hoover me - a saying used to represent someones annoyance towards their friend 'hoovering' them via vc on discord or other platforms.
Phoro:*hoover noises*
Astrid:'Don't You Fucking Hoover Me, Pho!'
by Phoro June 12, 2022
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