when your stepdad uses big words while he's drunk off his ass
that abusive bitch was using discombobulatory speech.
by OOFYBOOMER May 12, 2022
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A few words, in which Trump will acknowledge that the better man lost, and graciously, respectfully tell America to go fuck itself.
After a couple of seconds, all the networks cut away from Trump's Con-Session Speech, his last attempt to con the country, understanding that a zero TV rating would be the final, unsurvivable wound.
by Monkey's Dad November 7, 2020
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different from hate speech in its lack of depth and emotional (rather than intellectual) nature.
I would call it hate speech, but he comes off more like an angry teenager trying to be edgy, so I would call it "anger speech."
by OpenMicHunter April 10, 2020
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when a person only speaks in a high tone that sounds like the key E. often associated with teens and young adults.
Hey bro
I have something to tell you.
You have e speech syndrome again?
by angrymill_mass April 26, 2016
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A saying that refers a bad speech that will go down hill and become an embarrassment.
'My speech is going to be such and Odesa's earth day speech.'
by May 1, 2023
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As the elevator goes up, you go down and work that shaft. Show your future boss you're someone worth hiring.
"The hiring supervisor loved the elevator speech I gave him yesterday. I'm pretty sure I got the job."
by Filthanthropist February 18, 2022
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The Birth Right to Say what you want when you want

"Something that does not exist anymore"
"Germany Did Nothing Wrong Europe should be For Europeans"

thats racist and anti-semitic you can't say that

well i thought freedom of speech existed guess not

im sorry dont ban or cancel me
by contagiousTruth September 26, 2022
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