Refers to your not being charged and/or incarcerated for an indiscretion, due to whether or not you'd consumed alcohol during the period when you'd committed said crime.
Believe it or not, being intoxicated can sometimes actually be a defense in a criminal case, especially if the culprit merely committed a misdemeanor instead of something more serious... if he was drunk at the time, he can often get away scotch-free! Disgusting, but true.
by QuacksO April 14, 2019
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Somewhat similar effect a "Whiskey Dick" though instead of being unable to get erect do to too much alcohol consumption, the man in unable to ejaculate due to alcohol numbing any sensitivity in his member.
Guy 1 "After we got back to her place from the bar Justine and I went at it forever but I just couldn't cum. I ended up just giving up and rolling over."

Guy 2 "What was she just that bad?"

Guy 1 "No she was great, I was just scotch blocked like a motherfucker."
by QRant March 19, 2013
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A person passed around for sex also known as every ones bitch to men and women
he was a german scotch at the party last night
by Swagmoneygetitright December 15, 2014
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willy> whats for dinner mum?
ma> scotch goose
willy> wtf?
ma> a sausage with a feather in it
by infinitelytrue November 4, 2008
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