"Look at you. You've got a soothing."
by Running out of patience January 23, 2007
The lads and i were soothing out last night
by Timmy Solly August 6, 2006
Appropriate response after hearing a compliment. Used in a way similar to "burn", but is used after a compliment rather than an insult.
by veryumble February 8, 2012
by Emilave January 15, 2003
Having a readily-available stress release when trapped in recurring, highly-tense situations, such as traffic jams or DMV lines.
Being nut soothed has the same effect of drinking hot coffee on a cold day, being distracted by good music or having a dog lick your face. It's not quite as dramatic as winning the lottery, being molested by your favorite porn star, or watching your football hero head-butt an annoying competitor, however.
Being nut soothed has the same effect of drinking hot coffee on a cold day, being distracted by good music or having a dog lick your face. It's not quite as dramatic as winning the lottery, being molested by your favorite porn star, or watching your football hero head-butt an annoying competitor, however.
"I am brain dead, stuck in traffic with rain. Nut soothed listening to Mahler's Symphony #2, "Resurrection" on the radio."
by El Conejo Feliz March 13, 2010
Buddy, pal, chum, friend, I would be quite appreciative if you were to cease your shitfuckery as soon as conceivably possible, even for a mere five minutes. I am, sooth forspokenth, tired of your fucking shit.
by The Insult Man November 20, 2022