A nude or revealing picture sent to illicit a response from someone that is showing disinterest in you , or has ghosted you in order to get a response.
"Chad wont answer my texts for a week, I should send a steamy shower pic ". Suprise. He answers to the desperation nude because hes drunk.
by Drabgreenqueen January 21, 2020
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to be so desperate that you will do anything for pussy
girl: "last night at the club i saw this really ugly girl getting hit on by this guy. he seemed really devin desperate."
by unknown to him... October 22, 2018
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When a person who claims to be a comedian/comedienne does whatever no matter how degrading or stupid to get a laugh.
He sucks so bad he using that desperation comedy on stage.
by WraithBlade993 August 16, 2023
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When a younger woman fornicates with an older man, usually married at time of consummation.

It's origin is unknown, but rumor has it that the term originated when rumors spread that Eva Longoria took part in an affair with Hugh Hefner during his 7th marriage. Longoria was allegedly only 24 at the time.
"Kerry is currently taken by a married man with kids"

"Ah, the old fashioned 'reverse desperate housewife'"
by durkadurkista November 4, 2013
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When the plans you made before the pandemic eased now suck but you made them because you were desperate to do anything after lockdown.
we are literally only going away with your parents because we were Covid-Desperate…wish we were doing something else now.
by lucozadesnort September 10, 2021
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Similar to desperate dick syndrom but for women.

Typically occurs when it's been a while and you really need to get a good fucking again.
Sandy was so desperate for dick she imagined what sex with Donald Trump was like while masturbating.
by ddddorattttheeeexploraaaa July 11, 2017
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