irish insult. dont ever say this to a irish man or u'll be in bad luck
Stop drinking and eating all the of beer and lucky charms you potatoe wedge!
by brendan February 10, 2005
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I'll never stop eating these no matter how unhealthy they are. They're just that good.
I've eaten 28 Spicy Jack Cheese Wedges in one sitting before when I was 15.
by hoyclan March 13, 2010
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when two guys are having sex, they scissor with their legs. often used as insult
scissoring. christian refers to henry as stick man lemon wedge!
by master diamondd February 4, 2009
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While watching a bad movie you shove a fedged penis into a butthole and an indian comes out
The alternative to having babies is to give birth anally to a full grown indian man by using the last mohican fedge wedge
by thebootsybeast November 11, 2010
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When a born female gets the fabric of their underoos in not just their butt, but in their front-butt as well.
Sarah came back in from break, ready to attack the day. It was when she sat back down that she realized, that she had encountered the Double Dumpster Camel Wedge.
by OdinAJM April 28, 2018
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1. The act in which to enjoy an outing of golf.

2. The act in which you receive oral sex while golfing.
"Lets go bro, I'm ready to veg out with my wedge out!"

"Hey baby, lets go by those bushes. I am ready to veg out with my wedge out."
by Golf-Pro641128 February 8, 2010
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English colloquial turn of phrase regarding great, unexplainable miraculous events.

Exclamation of surprise when confronted with an astounding occurrence.
I say, Chalmers old bean, did you see that Jerry airship just explode?

Well wedge me in a door and call me Ginger, Asquith, jolly good show. What? Mind you, shame that the chap from the Royal Flying Corps didn't bail out before the fireball got him ...
by D B Cooper December 20, 2013
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