Ass Off Limits. When a girl is taken.
"You shouldn't hit on that girl. She's AOL. Her man will kick your ass."
by Anonymous November 5, 2003
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Acronym: An Obvious Loser, used to indicate a user of American Online. Also interchangeable with A**hole Online.
His email address ended in I knew he was a tool.
by Lady_Lexicon September 21, 2017
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A beloved nation wide company that makes people smile every day with there manufacturing of Frisbees and coasters.

If you collect enough, you can make a fort, kill a midget, throw it to your friends, throw it at you enemy's, poop on it, destroy your computer with spam, blog it on urban dictionary and piss off a lawyer, rape it, put your drinks on it, waste earths resources, and give you the urge to blow up your computer from frustration.
Person 1: I just got my 2,000th aol disk!!!
Person 2: SWEET! Lets go kill some midgets!
Person 1: mmk
by 12qwazx January 21, 2011
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boycott ao smell. ao smel aint no good to man nor beast
hi its good to see that ppl are already boycotting aol for there own diffrent resons i have had alot of trouble with them and i just tryed to cancel but they told me i was legaly bound buy a one year contract i still have 5 months to go on. but my reaons for boyoctt are lol yes they are total rubbish but 30 percent of aol investment portfolio is investied in to israel and in 1998 aol recived an award by the prime minister for there help in building the infrastructre of israel whom the real humanitarians know is an occupation in stolen land form the palastinian ppls
other company to boycott for those who care r coke cola, mcdonalds, disney, cat (caterpiller), lo,real, tesco, sainsburys.
by bobski August 13, 2006
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AOL, Inc. and its subsidiaries operate a leading network of Web brands and the largest Internet access subscription service in the United States. Brands include the AOL® service, the® website, and the AIM®, MapQuest®, Moviefone®, Netscape®, CompuServe® and ICQ® services. AOL offers a range of digital services including the TotalTalk® voice service. The company also has operations in Canada and Europe. AOL, Inc. is based in Dulles, Virginia, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Time Warner Inc.
Bob: What's your ISP?
Paul: AOL
by Mike162006 December 5, 2005
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acronym for Atrophied Otter Lips. thin, dry, weak lips inappropriate for fellatio.

antonym: DSL, dick-sucking lips.
After my ex's crappy AOL, I was blown away by the DSL of the hottie I met at the bar last night.
by k9_mk5 February 3, 2011
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