Your main mate (can only be used singularly )

Or as a greeting to one person
Yo Chris is one of my mates but Jason's ma 9

Oui what's up ma 9
by Young boi J August 6, 2016
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The ratio of Republicans to Democrats in each house who have tested positive for coronavirus as of 12/17/2020.
26 Republicans vs 11 Democratic House members, 9 Republican vs 2 Democratic Senators have tested positive for coronavirus. 26/11 and 9/2. Who can guess which party denied the danger of the virus, denied the reality of the pandemic, denied the importance of masks and social distancing? ... Anyone?
by Monkey's Dad December 17, 2020
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New rules for 9 ball.

New additional rules for 9 ball..

* winning with ball in hand.

-* making a high quality shot you made 50%

** making 9 ball with que ball not on intention

-** making a higher quality shot you made 15%

*** making 9 ball with double kiss

-*** making a 2 ball combination on the 9 ball

****making 9 ball with 2 ball hit not on intention

-**** making a 3 ball combination on the 9 ball

***** making 9 ball with 3 ball hit not on intention

-***** making a 4 ball combination on the 9 ball.
This is my bullshit 9 ball game rules. Have fun with them.
by Kuehlstein February 22, 2018
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It should be noted that sehmontine 9 and sehmontine9 are interchangable, and can generally be used in the same context. However, sehmontine 9 tends to refer to the entity's influence outside of electronic networks.
sehmontine 9: "Hey sehmontine 9 just sent me a later through the USPS."

sehmontine9: "Hey sehmontine9 just took away my internets!"
by Riko Suave October 25, 2004
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when youre so bored you decided to write every key from left to right (including numpad) and also the shift versions of those keys.
man, im so bored, im gonna type `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+/*-qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}\|789+aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'"456zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/?123 0. into urban dictionary and see whats there!
by monokuma plush toy August 28, 2023
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When Jake let’s Timmy out of his dwelling.
“Oh it’s 9:32 time to let Timmy out”
Jake, “You don’t want to know what happens at 9:32 on a Tuesday afternoon.”
by JakeTimmyLover96 December 24, 2022
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When the man gets on top and slides his penis in the vagina then spins in a circle.
Josh did the fast 9 move on me last night and I had an orgasam in 30 seconds. He spun so fast.
by Fast9 September 9, 2021
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