by jjhgfdswertyuiolmnbvcxzaqwerty July 16, 2019
also known as Trey Deuce, thirty two is the perfect age for wisdom. If a person is thirty two they have amassed plenty of life experience but not to the point of crapping your pants because you have 89 years of life experience.
Anybody who has lived to the age of 32 is bright enough not to perish young and young enough not to crap their pants
by Gutter Baby October 17, 2008
by Kasheed Wallace May 22, 2011
the number that is the answer to everything
by コスタス August 25, 2022
by Nurse Susan February 5, 2009
A half ounce of marijuana. Popularized by the video game Minecraft where you can only carry 64 objects in a stack.
Dealer: “how much?”
You: “half stack 32 of grape orangutan madness with blaze rods and cobblestone Minecraft Steve mining for diamonds iron pickaxe smelting ingot Minecraft Minecraft furnace”
Dealer: “ight”
You: “half stack 32 of grape orangutan madness with blaze rods and cobblestone Minecraft Steve mining for diamonds iron pickaxe smelting ingot Minecraft Minecraft furnace”
Dealer: “ight”
by Nukethewhales May 13, 2020