86 definitions by Kuehlstein

Play music super loud in your house and shake and rattle the studs.
I have synchronicity of a household.
by Kuehlstein January 24, 2018
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Semen brothers are men who had slept with the same women
How many semen brothers do you have?
by Kuehlstein November 2, 2017
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You are in the military club with short hair and a bunch of obese women come in and pick the best looking military guy to dance with and he does.
She got the pick of the litter.
by Kuehlstein April 25, 2018
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A game between men. A feather in your Indian headdress for every women you had booty with.
Ha ha i have more feather in my headdress than you... good luck with your indian game brother.
by Kuehlstein October 31, 2017
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Everyone has a hand signal like waving fingers with thumbs in ears or a shape of a "L" on your forhead. Everyone chants while pounding on the table. "What's the name of the game? "The Indian game." "How do you play the Indian game?" Then you flash your Indian sign then flash someone else Indian sign. Then the person who's sign was broadcasted has to right away flash his/hers sign and signal someone else at the table. If you mess up you are forced to chug a beer. Then restart.
The drinking Indian game is a ton of fun. Have fun.
by Kuehlstein May 30, 2018
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Your friend is in the hospital. Your other friend wants to call. You prank him by giving the area code and 555-1212. He calls the number not knowning it was information and asks the operator to speak to him. She says city your calling again and he asks for his full name again.
He calls me back and i start laughing before speaking a word. And that is my five five five one two one two story
by Kuehlstein February 14, 2018
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