A man who refuses to take his wife/girlfriend out to dinner. He will only go if they split the bill.
Marco is a dutch jew, he makes her pay for 1/2 of the dinner check.
by CT Finest October 1, 2013
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A Jew that tries to give you directions when they are obviously wrong.
Magellan's Jew was left on the main land because his directions were obviously wrong and Magellan could not circumnavigate the world with faulty directions.
by jackyp November 11, 2009
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A metal coin, often given as a promotional item, used to take grocery store carts without needing an actual coin.
Jan: We need a cart for all these groceries, but I don’t have any spare change.
Martin: Here, use my jew coin.
by kadoodles May 5, 2021
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When you are using the Soda fountain at a fast-food restaurant and keep refilling the cup as you drink it, all while standing in front of the machine and hogging it.
Fabian: Yo dawg can you stop fountain jewing? You are holding up the line!
Tyler: Sorry man, I'm thirsty.
by FScottFitzgayreld October 1, 2018
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