
The act of stabbing someone with a shank. Comes from the word shank which is a crude knife usually made in prison, a homemade knife-like weapon usually made from a spoon.
You better watch out or else he'll be shanking you.
by N/A December 14, 2003
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This an an act in which a male or female, whilst having a shit in the toilet, then decides to have a wank. This, therefore, bring us to the word shank. A shit and a wank at the same time.
When on holiday with friends, i walked in on my friend having a shit but his cock was in his hands and he was jerking profusely, at which point i said, "aww, man stop shanking, this is our bathroom aswell"
by Rashed, J October 18, 2006
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The act of angry masturbation, with a motion similar to stabbing someone in the stomach.
Damn, dude. You're shaking. Maybe you need a good shanking.
by crunch86 October 27, 2010
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Screwing. Comes from the fact a pecker is a shank.
I was shanking that babe I met in a bar the other night.
by Tom LaBelle September 15, 2004
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*stabs with pencil from pocket*
by Suzie Sheep February 2, 2019
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shanked, shank.

orgin: prison slang

shanked: to be stabbed with a homemade knife.

made out of scrap of metal found anywhere and sharpend like a knife. and bottom tightly wrapped with a cloth as a handle.
"CrookedEye John" got shanked up..

I heard he got hit with a rusty shank.
by Lec2 February 9, 2003
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shank, shanked

orgin: prison slang

A homemade knife.

made out of scrap of metal found anywhere and sharpend like a knife. and bottom tightly wrapped with a cloth as a handle.


to be stabbed by a homemade knife.
"CrookedEye John" got shanked up..

I heard he got hit with a rusty shank.
by Lec2 February 9, 2003
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